Monday, October 23, 2006

Bedtime Dialogue.... oh the power of Santa

Campbelle: I'd like to talk about what I'm going to ask Santa to bring me for Christmas.

Mom: Ok, but this is the last conversation...then it's bedtime. What should we tell Santa?

Campbelle: I'd like to tell him that I want a kids camera that takes real pictures so that I could just go around all day and take pictures. Oh, and I'll take a pink scooter.

Mom: You can't just say "I'll take a pink scooter" that's not how this Santa thing works. You tell Santa the things you would really wish for, then Santa decides if you've been a good girl and if you should get those things.

Campbelle: But how will he know if I've been good or naughty?

Mom: Well, Santa sets up a conference with mom and pappa to discuss your behavior. And pappa and I tell them just how you've been acting... whether good or naughty. He might even set up meetings with your teachers at school and find out from them how you've been. So it's a good idea to always act very kindly.

Campbelle: (looking suprisingly confident) Oh, I get it. But do you remember today when Christian threw his book down the stairs and you made him sit on the naughtly mat.... well are you going to tell Santa about that when you meet with him to discuss Christian's behavior? Because that wasn't very kind of him at all. And maybe Santa just shouldn't bring him anything.

Mom: Campbelle, whose behavior should you be concerned about?

Campbelle: I know... my own. Christian should worry about himself.

Mom: That's right. Good night.

Campbelle: But I just thought I would remind you for your meeting with Santa in case you forget all the things Christian has done.

Mom: Goodnight Campbelle

Campbelle: When do you meet with him?

Mom: Goodnight Campbelle

Campbelle: (Bedroom door closed) Could you just tell me when you are going to meet with him? Pleeeeeasssssse.


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