Special message to Maddi and Will
We made party hats today for craft time.... Campbelle is going to be awfully sad when she realizes there isn't a birthday party for Farmor. We called them this morning to wish her a good day. Cambpelle has been talking about her birthday party ever since. Since they are in Italy on holiday, it just won't work. :-(
Last night we watched Sydney and Sara for a few hours while Pat and Steph got a night at the movies. The kids loved having them here.... Campbelle planned her 'Slumber Party Agenda' for the better part of the day. Her agenda included: dancing, playing Quips, playing dolls, and watching movies in pjs.
Today was Christian's first day of school...ok, not really school, but a Thursday Toddler program that is offered at our church during the same time that Campbelle goes to preschool. It went as I had expected, lots of tears and some sobbing. But as I waited outside the door after tearing myself away, he quickly stopped and began to play. I am really beginning to think he does it just for the show!! Crazy guy.
What started as a fun evening of dancing turned into a trip to the ER. Christian, in all his dancing glory, spun himself right into the corner of our entertainment center. Luckily Leif was nearly home from work and was able to help me calm one of the kids down (as the sight of blood sends Campbelle into major panic mood... no matter whos it is). He ended up with a few stiches and advice from the doctor to tone down his dance routine! This morning he is doing great and back to normal... in fact when I went to get him from his crib this morning he was already deciding he could get out on his own.... guess the toddler bed will be coming out of storage soon..... boys...
Campbelle started preschool again today at Sammamish Presbyterian Church. She is in a different classroom and has two new teachers and several new faces. She had a blast and when I asked her what her favorite thing she did today she replied, "snack time is always the best mom" .... like duh, what a dumb question! Oh, she's getting older before our very eyes!
We went camping this past weekend in Leavenworth, WA with our dear friends Pat and Stephanie Hardwick and girls. We had such a great time! It was our first camping trip since Campbelle was born and let me tell you... camping with kids is a whole other affair.
Leif celebrated his 36th birthday while on our camping trip. I think he thought it was a great way to celebrate.