Monday, November 27, 2006

You MUST see this movie!

Whether you like Al Gore or not, the facts are startling. In less than a decade there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro to soothe the soul, and our frosty glaciers will have dwindled to mere puddles, and 1/3 of Manhattan will be under water. Tornadoes and torrential flooding will continue to peak at a devastating rate - Katrina was just a warm-up.

Unrestricted fossil fuel burning and too much carbon dioxide polluting the air may be the culprit, but Gore puts a personal spin on his message: It's deeply unethical of us to let our planet slip through our fingers.

This movie has inspired Leif and I to take action. We really want this world to be around for our kids.... hey, we really want some of this stuff to be here in 10 years from now. Its a scary message, and pretty much an inconvenient truth.... but we can do something about it, one household at a time.

So what can you do to stop global warming and cut our use of carbon dioxide?
Here is a Top Ten list:
1. Change a Lightbulb
Replace one regular lightbulb with a compact florescent one will save 150 lbs of CO2 a year.

2. Drive Less
Bike, walk, car pool, use the bus whenever you can. For every mile you don't drive, you save 1 lb of CO2.

3. Recycle more
You can save 2400lbs of CO2 a year if you recycle only half your household waste

4. Check your tires
Properly inflated tires improves gas mileage by 3%. 1 gallon of gas saved keeps 20 lbs of CO2 out of the air

5. Use less hot water
It takes alot of energy to heat water. Install a low flow shower head (saves 350 lbs per year) and wash clothes on cold or warm cycles (saves 500 lbs per year)

6. Avoid products with alot of packaging
You can save 1200 lbs of CO2 by cutting your garbage by 10%

7. Adjust your thermostat
By moving your thermostat down 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer you can save 2000 lbs per year.

8. Plant a tree
Each tree absorbs a ton of CO2 in its lifetime

9. Turn off electronic devices
Turn off TV, DVD, computer, and any other electronic devices when not in use can save thousands of pounds a year

10. See this movie... and encourage everyone you know to watch it as well.

For more information and other simple things that we can do to help stop global warming, go to

Ok, I'm off my soapbox now. :-)

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