Tuesday, August 21, 2007

After we had a fun and active day out and about with the Strangs, I asked Campbelle what her favorite part of the day was... maybe the water taxi, or playing on the beach, or the balloon flowers... but she simply said that AIDYN was her favorite part of the day. The girls played so nicely together. Polly Pockets seemed to be the favorite of the week... and it literally looked like Polly World exploded in her room - they had a blast.
Here is Aidyn and Christian holding hands watching morning cartoons. So sweet to each other. We found it very funny who each of them was much more tolerant of the others siblings than their own. One day Campbelle was playing with some building blocks and Nolan knocked them over (like Chrisian has done a thousand times before), but instead of getting mad and screaming at him, she said with a smile on her face and such a sweet voice, "Oh Nolan, don't be silly, don't knock over my tower, ok buddy-guy?" Yeah right - that is certainly NEVER the response she gives Christian!
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