Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In the blink of an eye

There have been several times in my 35 years that I look back at something and remark using the old adage "wow, that seems like that just happened yesterday" but never has that rung more true these days when I think back to the birth of my two older kids. 

It does seem like just yesterday when Campbelle was born... I can remember everything so clearly.  We were driving to the hospital in the middle of the night after my water broke,  the fact that a baby was soon to make it's entrance into the world was immediate.   I remember resting my forehead onto the side window and looking up into the night's sky and thinking to myself 'My life and my heart are about to change forever.'  And then not too long afterwards, I'm holding our beautiful baby girl in my arms..... so overcome with emotion and overcome with this new, precious little life.

and in the blink of an eye....

I'm getting ready to send her off to kindergarten.  She's become so  independent - and I realize that she doesn't need me quite so much and that she will indeed step onto that school bus the first morning without me - probably flashing a huge smile - to begin her way in this world.  And she'll be just fine. 

Where did those days and nights go?  How did time go so fast?  In just a blink of an eye.

It was yesterday too that Christian was born.  Oh how I worried about that little man.  From his kidneys to his weight gain - my heart ached.  I can remember those days so clearly and remember my prayers for all to be well.  Surly that was just yesterday.

and in the blink of an eye...

There is still worry - but overnight it changed to other reasons:  For stunt man tricks off the retaining wall in the backyard; for his scooter that goes screaming down the sidewalk at crazy fast speeds; for stitches and scrapes; and for his shy, alone times.

When did all that change?  His 3 1/2 years melt into days.  In just a blink of an eye.

Now I sit with my Beckett... my newest sweet babes.  I think for a quick moment about all the things that he'll be, and wonder how he will play, and if he will like this and not that, and on and on .... but stop myself quick because I understand that all too soon I will know all those answers.

And until then.  I'll be here....

...trying so hard not to blink.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is lovely!

Congratulations for all the memories you have and you will have to treasure :-)

9:39 PM  
Blogger KJ said...

Geez, are you TRYING to make me cry?!?!
I totally understand the sentiments you shared. Can you believe how fast all these things happen? This Kindergarten thing is going to be tough...

7:18 AM  
Blogger Tammy said...

Oh my gosh...I'm crying like a baby. Well, sobbing actually.

This is a beautiful entry. I think I'll just re-read this post every time I need to put things into perspective.

And I'll try not to blink so much either...

9:03 AM  
Blogger The Hertels (Paul, Tia and Seneca) said...

Jill - you need to put "warning" labels on your posts especially since I am reading this at work with tears streaming down!! That is just such a wonderful post! You are correct, in a blink of an eye, they are grown......and haven't I figured that out so quickly when kindergarden started this week.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Beautifully written..sniff sniff

8:00 AM  

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