Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow storm

We’ve had such a crazy few days of bad, very un-Seattle like weather.  Several inches of snow and 75 mile per hour winds make for blizzard conditions that this area knows not much of.  And after being out here for 6 winters now, I am not at all used to driving and dealing with this kind of weather as well.  So much that I too, have become like everyone else out here and haven’t left the house since Tuesday afternoon!!  (with the exception of a quick trip to the grocery store to stock up on food rations).  Can you say cabin-fever!

Last night we lost power for about 12 hours during the night.  The kids slept through the whole thing and luckily we were given fair warning for possible outages.  We cranked the heat up to 76 degrees that afternoon/early evening in anticipation.  Good thing too…. because when the power came back on around 7:00 this morning, the house was 51 degrees!! 

The kids greeted the morning with much anticipation to get outside and play in all this new snow.  Leif, upon inspecting the huge drift in front of our house, was a little less thrilled about it.


He’s wishing that he either had a snow blower…. or that we lived on the other side of the street.

The kids played for hours in the snow, building tunnels, sledding and skiing down slopes.  It always amazes me that they stay outside as long as they do.  Maybe the Norwegian-Dakota blood flowing through their veins keeps them warm.



I’d like to think that tomorrow I may leave the house.  But with the forecast of more snow and then freezing rain – I may just start reading another book.


Blogger The Hertels (Paul, Tia and Seneca) said...

Mother Nature just wanted to make you feel a "little at home" I think!! She didn't want you to forget where you are truely from!! I have been thinking about you guys and hopeing that things are good. Sounds like other than "cabin fever" you are doing well.

7:53 AM  

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