Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Cultural Fair

All 1st graders at Campbelle’s elementary school had an assignment over Christmas break to create a poster about their cultural heritage.  They had to research their families origin and include interesting facts and photos on the board.  Campbelle (and Leif) worked really hard on the poster, talking about what main points they wanted to write about, typing, labeling, cutting, gluing, etc…  She took it to school today and will be presenting on Friday.  And in a few weeks she has the opportunity to submit it to her schools cultural fair open to the public.  She is soooo excited to wear her bunad and talk about Norway. 

In one section of her poster she talked about why she likes Norway, and I guess, according to her, the night life is really great there.  ! ? !  

Cultureposter 001

She said she hopes to have to do another one next year so she can choose to research Eureka.  Ha!


Anonymous Farfar said...

Hurra for Norge, søttenes mai og alt det derre der! Godt jobbet Cambelle -well done. Wish I could be at your presentation - but that is the hard life. Perhaps somebody make a video for us. Miss you all

3:30 PM  

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