Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Beckett

Oh, Beckett. Just when I think I can’t love and adore you any more than I do in any particular moment, I do.  We all do.  There  is something magical about your relaxed, playful ways. You throw your whole body forward and bury your head during a good laugh and have the saddest sloping back and hanging lip when you are sad.   You love almost everyone you meet and happily tolerate the others. Campbelle and Christian running ahead of you leave you kicking your legs as hard and as fast as they go. You can't wait to be running and jumping right alongside them, and you will be, soon. Your cautious standing will turn to reckless sprints, your sweet jibberish will turn to entertaining conversation and your little pointer finger will take a well-deserved rest.  You'll be able to hold your own cup without getting soaked and finally, finally you'll know what every button and switch and outlet you come across is really for.. but for now, let's just clap and play and laugh while my arms turn to jelly from throwing you in the air. Let's just cuddle and kiss those delicious cheeks of yours while you still let us.  Lets just keep doing the things we are doing, because man, it has been pretty great so far. You've brought an entire year of magic to an already charmed home and we all love you an insane amount because of it. Happy belated birthday, my little man.

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And here are a few photos of our fabulous Norwegian birthday celebration!



Mini marshmallows were a hit with the kids.  (can’t get those in Norway, ohh the simple pleasures)

We also continued the tradition of letting them eat cake on their 1st birthday – also new to Norwegians.  And truthfully, I would have love to see Beckett dive head first into his cake and just devour it – would have been a good show for everyone’s first time.  But no, Mr. Beckett had far better manners than that.

First he took quite some time to inspect the cake:


And then, wasn’t entirely sure if he was allowed to eat it. “Um, can somebody get me a fork please?”


“yes, much better.”


“I’ll take over from here, thanks.”


“YUM – Farmor makes pretty tasty cake.”


“Yep, pretty tasty indeed!”


Blogger Stefanie said...

Happy Birthday Beckett!

10:32 PM  

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