Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Shot that never was

I know my friends with kids understand the difficulty of trying to get more than 1 child to look in the same direction of the photographer at the same time... it's nearly impossible at our house. So much, that I can't believe we even try anymore.

Take a look at what I thought would have been a very beautiful, picturesque shot.


"I know the flowers is big and smells nice, but can you look at me for just a second."


"Yes, right direction, now smile. Please smile. Please"


"Lovely Campbelle. I got a picture of you picking your nose. Gross."

"Cool" said Christian


"Great job Campbelle, Christian look here. Do you want some candy when we get to the car? Just look here and smile nice and we'll get some treats."


"I want candy too, I was smiling nice. Do I get some too? Please."


"I want some candy NOW! NOW!"

"Me too, let's get some candy now. What kind of candy do we have, I'm not sure if I would like some red candy or some halloween candy, or make pumpkin candy... hahahah"

"Just forget it Jill, it's never going to happen - let's go" says Leif.


Blogger Sara Wicht said...

Great dialogue to accompany these rather lovely shots of your angels! Too bad the candy didn't work the way you wanted. Make sure you keep track of the nose picking picture for Cambelle when she's 16!

4:45 AM  
Blogger KJ said...

I can sooooooooo relate! Thank goodness for digital cameras and the ability to take an endless number of pictures. That way you have a variety of "pictures that could have been".

11:29 AM  
Blogger Allee said...

Awesome background! I can just imagine how badly you wanted that to work! I have been in the same situation before (yelling and bribing kids during photo shoots)but never with such beautiful scenery!

3:48 PM  

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