So Campbelle has been saving her little heart out since last fall for anything American Girl. For anyone who doesn't know about American Girl stuff, it started as this really great doll/book combination and each doll was from a different time period in American History and the book that came along with the doll really told a story of that time in history. There are colonial dolls, Native American dolls, Depression era dolls, Hippy dolls, etc... The phenomenon of American Girls kicked off and it has now lead to this huge empire of dolls, clothes, furniture, etc... not to mention that American Girl stores (I think there are only a few in the country in NY and Chicago for sure) that cater to girls and their dolls. You can book tea parties and spa makeovers at these stores. It really has become this whole enterprise. Not to mention the price of these items!! Wow, let me tell you ... they are not cheap!! Dolls - $85.... Clothes $30-50 per outfit..... yikes!! The kicker of all this is that somehow, I believe every little girl gets put on the mailing list for their catalogs. And their big, nice, glossy catalogs with all these wonderfully expensive things to nicely displayed. And, I kid you not, Campbelle probably gets two a month!
Well, back to my story. Campbelle had become fixated on Kit - the Depression Era doll. So we implemented a savings plan and she worked her little heart out for months - setting the table, making the bed, unloading the dishwasher, getting the mail...and with the help of some Christmas money she finally had enough to purchase Kit. That was a big, big day!. Since then, she's been saving her money for Kit's bed.
SIDE NOTE: This is Kit's bed. Kit's bed is $85 (plus taxes and shipping). Kit's bed cost about half the price of Kit's owner's twin bed. Kit's owners mom thinks that $85 (plus taxes and shipping) is a ridiculous amount for Kit's bed.
But, Kit's owner has saved/earned for the past 5 months (with the help of birthday money) enough money to actually purchase the bed. But again, Kit's owners mom was disturbed by the cost of this bed.
Because my conscience has been weighing so heavy on ordering this bed after Campbelle's birthday - we've just held off. Last night, I came across an listing on Craig's List advertising 'An American Girl type bed, plus an American Girl type doll' --- for only $20!! I showed Campbelle the picture on Craig's List and she instantly recognized something, here's our conversation:
"It's not from the American Girl website mom."
"I know, it's not really American Girl. It just would fit American Girl size dolls."
"Oh. I think I like Kit's real bed better."
"Ok, but this bed is only $20... and Kit's bed is $85 (plus taxes and shipping)."
We then lay out all her money and I show her what $20 is... and how there is some actually left over. And then I show her what $100 is and how there is only a few cents left over.
"So, which bed do you want to buy? Kit's real bed or the the other bed?"
"Well duh mom, the other bed. Just look at all the extra money I would still have saved. Who cares if it's not really Kit's real American Girl bed."
"Excellent choice Campbelle."
I sigh of relief as I will not have a guilty conscience over spending money on a ridiculously priced toy.
"And besides mom, then I just have more money to save for Kit's scooter and more American Girl clothes."
Here's Campbelle and her new American girl type bed. And Kit's new sister Macy.