Sunday, March 14, 2010

What a weekend

Ever have one of those weekends that seems like it was really good and long?  Yeah, doesn’t happen as often as we’d like either.  But this was one of those fun, action packed weekends that as I sit down to write about it on Sunday night, the things we did on Friday night seem so long ago.

I won’t bore you with too many details… but I’ll just say that it was filled with swimming, reptiles, fancy designer shoes, playgrounds, art projects, snow, tubing and Darth Vader.  All and all, not a bad weekend!

(A few snapshots of the weekend when we remembered to bring the camera.)


“Hmmmm, so many choices.  Which color should I pick".”


“Guess it doesn’t matter which color.  I hate it anyway.”

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Becks was not at all keen on the idea of sliding ridiculously fast down the hill no matter what color his tube.  He much preferred to just walk around and avoid touching the snow at all costs.  Hopefully he grows into those Norwegian genes of his.

Everyone else however, was pretty crazy about it.

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We couldn’t have asked for a better day at the close of the season.

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I do believe two of my boys were in Comic Book HEAVEN this weekend at the Emerald City Comic Con.  I’m thankful that they decided not to have their picture taken with Leonard Nimoy for $60.  (Yes, I said $60! And then for an additional $20 you could have him autograph.)  Geeks indeed!

But they did get their photos taken for free with a bunch of other crazy Star Wars fans.  


And luckily, as he told me later, Darth Vader didn’t cut off his arm.

Or his tongue.  Luckily


Crazy fun weekend.  Hope yours was too.


Blogger Unknown said...

Check out this Flick stream for more photos:

8:32 PM  
Blogger Stefanie said...

It does look like a busy weekend, but a fun one!!

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish i whas there (star wars)
Gladly pay 60$ for photo with Mr Spock

Tor Brenne

10:05 AM  

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