Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Questionnaire

I thought I’d take Tammy’s idea of asking everyone in the house a list of questions as we approach the end of 2008 (Beckett was exempt).  The concept of ‘a year’ is pretty hard to grasp when you just turned 4, but it led to an interesting conversation and a great look back at the year and all we’ve done.  Here are questions:

1.  What was your favorite memory of 2008?

2.  What was your favorite place/vacation in 2008?

3.  What was the best thing you learned in 2008?

4.  What was your favorite movie in 2008?

5.  What are your new years resolutions?

6.  What are your predictions for 2009?

Here are our answers?


1.  Turning 4 years old.

2.  Going to Target all those times.  (yep, we sure did go alot)

3.  learning my letters

4.  Ninja Turtle movie

5.  Skippy Jon Jones and the Big Bones

6.  I’m going to do more homework this year

7.  I think Maddie and Will will come visit us again in 2009  (I hope so to buddy)

1.  Seeing Maddie and Will two times this year – at their house this summer and at our house at Thanksgiving.
2.  going to Great Wolf lodge and the waterpark
3.  I learned to say ‘Thank you’ to people who do nice things for me and to say it before my mom tells me to say it.
4.  Beauty and the Beast.  Actually not the movie, but the play at Village Theater.  It was so cool.
5.  June B Jones – Toothless Wonder
6.  I will go to bed earllier, exercise by riding my bike all the way to Snoqualmie town center without getting tired.

IMG_0092 1.  When Beckett was born.
2.  Great Wolf Lodge and Vancouver
3.  Learning that Obama would be the next president!
4.  The Dark Knight
5.  Hot, Flat and Crowded
6.  I will properly moisturize my feet and drink less Coke  (??!)
7.  Beckett will say his first words; Campbelle will swim in the ocean in Norway; and Christian will bike without training wheels… all in 2009.


1.  Beckett being born and seeing Campbelle and Christian as such great older brother and sister.
2.  Our drive back to SD and MN was alot of fun.
3. How to get 3 kids feed, dressed, and out the door and be on time in the mornings!  (well, mostly on time)
4.  The Dark Knight
5.  Unaccustomed Earth
6.  Get into shape!
7.  In 2009, Beckett will walk; Christian will eat a meal SEATED the entire time; and Campbelle will read independently.
Winterfestival 023

Happy New Year everyone.  Hope 2009 brings you much happiness, good health and lots of fun and laughter!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Godt Nytt År!
Jeg ser frem til at dere alle skal komme til Norge i år, det er mitt største ønske for året 2009.

2:47 AM  

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