Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The ‘New Normal’

I found this piece entitled “The New Normal” from Tuesday’s All Things Considered while surfing around.  It’s really good – take a couple minutes to listen. I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of “recalibrating” our lives due to the economic situation and what specifically that means for my family.  I’ve read a few bloggers report on a 12 week long spending hiatus.  (only things to spend money on were food, bills and absolute necessities – i.e. toilet paper).  I think Leif would really like for me to try that experiment – I’m mulling it over.  Maybe I’m just being optimistic, but I have the sense that some good must come out of this recession – maybe it’s re-thinking how we live, dialing back and becoming more mindful (whether forced or voluntary) – whatever it is, I’m sure it can change our lives for the better.

My favorite line from the piece is the prediction that we will "drive smaller cars and live larger lives."
Larger lives…I like that.

After listening to the piece, I’m curious if any of you have made any changes to the way you live due to these crazy economic times.  Here are a few things we are doing:

  • We eat out less and cook more
  • Leif is taking the bus to work more frequently
  • I’ve tried to reign in our ‘frivolous’ spending (and subsequently have visited Target far less then usual)
  • I’m fortunate to have a great friend who is lending me all Beckett’s clothing… and have been visiting more thrift stores for the other kids’ summer clothes.  Seriously good deals to be found.
  • I’m a book junkie (meaning I love to buy and hang onto all the books I read) – but I’ve been visiting the library more often for myself (not just the kids) .

Just curious,  have defined any type of ‘New Normal’ practices for yourselves?


Blogger Stefanie said...

Obviously with the new house we didn't cut back there, but in the past few months with uncertain finances I also visited Target less, found some great thrift shops for clothes (for the kids and a few things for myself), and I just started buying what we needed at the time.....I passed up some good "clearance" items at Target that were good deals.....but not needed! This "buy only what you need" test sounds like a good idea.....but hard! Can you atleast buy some fun junkie food or does even the food have to be "needed"?!!?!! Let me know if you try it. Sounds like something I might give in to once we are settled in San Diego! Good luck!

5:19 AM  

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