Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Today's festivities started at the mother of all 'trick or treating' spots - Microsoft.  I say it every year - you've hit the jack pot when you go there for Halloween.  About 50% of the people there are too busy to mess around so they just set a big bag of candy outside there door and welcome kids to help themselves.  You don't even have to work for it - no "trick or Treat?"  or "Happy Halloween" not even a "Thank you" is required.  And if it weren't for the dutiful parents that accompany their children from office to office, you wouldn't even be limited to taking just one candy - I'm sure handfuls are taken by some.  The other 50% of MS really, really gets into the day.  These are the half that seem to have very little to do.  There are offices converted into haunted hallways.  Conference rooms that transformed into operating rooms complete with bloody corpses, or restaurants that specialize in brains for the main course.  It is crazy the level that some of them get into this little holiday.

We limited the kids trick or treating to Leif's floor and that was clearly too much candy for two little kids.  But we saw some pre-teen boys that had entire pillow sacks filled to the top with candy - it really is the Jackpot!!


Campbelle had her fortune read by a gypsy woman.  She told her that there was a pony in her near future!


After MS, we meet our friends the Keyes' at home to walk around the neighborhood and add to our loot.


At the end of the night, the kids had an obscene amount of candy.


Thanks goodness I had pre-arranged a set up with the Candy Fairy.  All you have to do is send her an email, put your candy (less 4 pieces you can save for later) outside your door, and magically the fairy comes by while you sleep and changes your candy into a toy.


Christian got a Transformer and funny thing - Campbelle got a pony!  Maybe that fortune tell has another career option!!  :-)

Hope you all had a great night!


Blogger KJ said...

You are a smart, smart mommy. Looks like a fun Halloween! Campbelle's hair looked really cute, did you do that yourself?!?! Impressive!

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastisk!! Håper dere gjemte noen godis for oss. Ser ut til at dere hadde en alle tiders kveld. Campbelle, liker din nye frisyre.

10:43 AM  
Blogger The Hertels (Paul, Tia and Seneca) said...

The Candy Fairy.......we may have to contact her. Our candy just sits around in a "bribe jar" that gets used once and take a piece take a piece three months or so when I am on a cleaning binge, the rests gets thrown away. I wonder what the Candy Fairy does with all that candy?

2:17 PM  
Blogger jilldaisbrenne said...

Since the Candy Fairy is actually Leif - he just took it back to where most of it came from - Microsoft. (along with 1000s of other families that don't want to see all that candy in the house... maybe some people store it for next year!) Very cyclical isn't it?

7:10 PM  
Blogger Sara Wicht said...

What an excellent idea!! I am so impressed and you have saved so much money in future fillings at the dentist.

3:48 PM  

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