Seems like this weekend has kicked-off the Halloween festivities, as we had alot of fun activities filling our days.
To start, we had a fun Halloween party with our friends the Keyes on Friday morning. The kids got to decorate Halloween cookies and colored some Halloween pictures. They got yummy goodie bags filled with loads of fun stuff.

Campbelle is a cheerleader this year, and she totally has all the moves down. Its a bit scary to say, but because she herself is so bouncy, pretty bubbly and a bit scatter-brained - it fits her really well.
Christian is a Liverpool soccer player. He is very proud about it too. He's constantly telling Campbelle to cheer louder for him as he scores a goal. The jersey he's wearing has the team's endorser on the front - Carlsberg beer - I'm just hoping as they parade around our church at preschool on Tuesday - none of the ministerial staff will recognize the beer endorsement and wonder's whose kid he is. Now if it would have said 'Bud Light' I would have found a different costume - nobody recognizes Carlsberg in the US, do they??
Saturday afternoon Campbelle decorated a Halloween cake at our local grocery store. She was very serious about her decorating. What may appear to be haphazardly squirt frosting was indeed strategically placed spiderwebs. (Duh!)
That evening, we went to the Seattle Woodlawn Park zoo's Pumpkin Prowl with all our friends. It was a bit hectic as there were tons (I mean tons) of people. The combination of lots of people, near total darkness, somewhat scary Halloween stuff, and a group of 18month - 5 year olds that we are trying to keep track of makes for a bit stressful situation. It was fun though, especially since we didn't lose any of our kids; and we got to see some really great pumpkins. Christian thought he'd like to see the gorillas handing out the candy .... maybe next year.
This afternoon we carved our pumpkins. The weather was absolutely perfect and so we took advantage of it and did our carving outside.
The kids had a great time, although they weren't all that crazy about cleaning the insides of the pumpkin.
Christian did NOT want a scary one. So he drew a very happy guy. Kinda looks like him??
Campbelle drew a beautiful girl pumpkin - complete with long, lucious lashes, glossy lipstick, and all the rage big fanciful hat. What more could a girl pumpkin desire!!??
More Halloween fun to come over the next few days. At least they are really getting their use out of their costumes.