Monday, November 12, 2007

Culture of extremes

Ok, so I lied, I guess we have done some exciting things since Halloween.  It's really not quite as boring as I made it out to be.  (can you tell someone got on my case for making us sound pathetic).

On Saturday, Gina took the kids to the Children's Museum for the afternoon, then out for pizza and just some hanging out time at her house before bringing them back to our's for bedtime.  Which meant, Leif and I had Date Day!

We started with a trip to the Seattle Art Museum (SAM).  It's recently reopened after a lengthy re-design and we had a great afternoon strolling through the galleries and taking in some very amazing, unusual, interesting, freaky, strange stuff.  Art - you have to love it in all its forms.

In the main lobby, there are several Ford Taurus' suspended from the ceiling with neon lights protruding out everywhere... strange --yes, good commercial to jump start Ford ever declining sales -- maybe.

IMG_0503  After a few hours of contemplating some other very interesting pieces of work (giant black rat sitting on top of a person in bed??) we decided to partake in another venue of art.  We went to the movies.  American Gangster (Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe).  Pretty good. 

And who said we are boring!! ? :-)


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